Eli the Cat
Sweetest kitty in the entire world. Instagram hit!
We adopted Eli from Bayou Animal Services in September 2016. It was love at first sight--sort of--he was scared and sneezed right in my face.
He had some big shoes to fill. Our first cat, JonGlynne had gone over the rainbow bridge just three weeks earlier at the almost 19 years old.
Eventually, Eli stopped being so scared and sneezing on people. Here's a few photos, but you'll find many, many more on Instagram!
Eli wearing a Hello Kitty bow tie. This was our Christmas card picture in 2018.
Eli looking extra cute on his Ripple Rug by his tunnel.
Eli and Marcus
Eli demonostrating "up" for a treat. (Treat not pictured.)
There's always something good on E-TV
Eli and Andrea on his first day home.